
Working Papers

Career and Technical Education Alignment Across Five States (with Celeste Carruthers, Shaun Dougherty, Thomas Goldring, Dan Kreisman, Roddy Theobold, Jesus Villero), Revise and Resubmit at AERA:Open

Youth Bank Accounts and Later-in-Life Financial and Economic Self-Sufficiency (with J. Michael Collins and Jeff Larrimore)

Literature Review on the Effect of Physical and Mental Health on Financial Well-Being (with Isaac D. Swensen) 

Financial Education in High Schools Across America (2019-2020), link

Published and Forthcoming Papers

Does State-mandated Financial Education Affect Financial Well-being? (with Jeremy Burke and J. Michael Collins) , accepted at Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking

Association of Severe COVID-19 and Persistent COVID-19 Symptoms With Economic Hardship Among US Families (with Nicole Hair), link Journal of the American Medical Association: Network Open 2023; 6(12). 

High school financial education courses in the United States: What is the importance of setting state policies? (with Allison Luedtke), link Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing

Does State-mandated Financial Education Reduce High School Graduation Rates?, link Economics of Education Review 2023

Public Housing Authorities’ Housing Choice Voucher Policies can Affect SSI Participation (with Erik Hembre), link National Tax Journal 2023

The Effects of Expanding Access to Mental Health Services on SS(D)I Applications and Awards (with Matt Messel and Isaac D. Swensen), link Labour Economics Special Issue on Mental Health and the Labor Market 2023

Partisan Gerrymandering and Turnout (with Daniel B. Jones and Neil Silveus), link Journal of Law and Economics 2023

Does Financial Education in High School Affect Retirement Savings in Adulthood?  (with Melody Harvey), link Journal of the Economics of Ageing 2023

Do Local House Prices Affect Campaign Contributions? (with Rebecca Lessem and Sarah Niebler), link Economics & Politics 2023

Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors (with Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, and Lukas Menkhoff), link Journal of Financial Economics 2022

Personal Belief Exemptions for School-entry Vaccinations, Vaccination Rates, and Academic Achievement (with Nicole Hair and Anja Gruber), Journal of Health Economics 2021, 78:102464.

Pneumococcal Vaccination Mandates for Child Care: Impact of State Laws on Vaccination Coverage at 19-35 Months (with Nicole Hair and Anja Gruber) American Journal of Preventative Medicine 2021, 0749-3797. link

Measuring Financial Well-being over the Lifecourse (with J. Michael Collins) European Journal of Finance Special Issue on Financial Literacy and Responsible Finance in the FinTech Era: Capabilities and Challenges 2020, 26(4-5): 341-359. link

Exploring the Rise of Mortgage Borrowing among Older Americans (with J. Michael Collins and Erik Hembre) Regional Science and Urban Economics 2020, 83. link

The Effects of Financial Education Graduation Requirements on Postsecondary Financing Decisions (with Christiana Stoddard), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 2020, 52(4): 747-776. link

The Effects of High School Personal Finance Education Policies on Financial Behaviors (with Maximilian Schmeiser, J. Michael Collins, and Alexandra Brown) Economics of Education Review 2020, 78: 101786link

The Effects of a Foreclosure Moratorium on Loan Repayment Behaviors (with J. Michael Collins) Regional Science and Urban Economics 2018, 68: 78-83. link

College Financing Choices and Academic Performance  (with Christiana Stoddard and Maximilian Schmeiser) Journal of Consumer Affairs 2018, 52(3): 540-561. link

Perspectives on Evaluation in Financial Education: Landscape, Issues, and Studies  (with William Walstad, Carlos J. Asarta, Elizabeth Breitbach, William Bosshardt, Julie Heath, Barbara O'Neill, Jamie Wagner, and Jing Jian Xiao) **second author, Journal of Economic Education 2017, 48(2): 93-112. link

Does Negative Advertising Affect Giving Behavior? Evidence from Campaign Contributions (with Sarah Niebler) Journal of Public Economics 2017, 146: 15-26. link

Can Targeted Information Affect Academic Performance and Borrowing Behavior for College Students? Evidence from Administrative Data (with Christiana Stoddard and Maximilian Schmeiser) Economics of Education Review 2017, 56(C): 95-109. link

Student Loan Information Provision andd Academic Choices (with Maximilian Schmeiser and Christiana Stoddard) American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, May 2016, 106(5): 324-328. link

Workplace Financial Education and Retirement Behavior (with J. Michael Collins) Economic Inquiry 2016, 54(4): 1860-1872.  link

Negative Advertising and Political Competition (with Amit Gandhi and Daniela Iorio)  Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 2016, 32(3): 433-477. link

Local Economic Growth from Primary Election Spending (with Rebecca Lessem) The Economic Journal 2016, 126(597): 2147-2172. link

Servicer Heterogeneity: Do Servicing Practice Influence Loan Cure Rates? (with Carolina Reid and J. Michael Collins) Housing Policy Debate 2017, 27(1): 1-27. link

Mandatory Mediation and the Renegotiation of Mortgage Contracts  (with J. Michael Collins) The Economic Journal, December 2015, 125(589): 1734-1763.  link

Sustaining Homeownership after Delinquency: the Effectiveness of Loan Modifications by Race and Ethnicity  (with J. Michael Collins and Carolina Reid) Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, November 2015, 17(1). link

The Dark Side of Sunshine: Regulatory Oversight and the Status Quo Bias (with J. Michael Collins) Journal of Economics, Behavior, and Organization, November 2014, 107-B: 470-486. link

Is Smoking Inferior? Evidence from Variation in the Earned Income Tax Credit   (with Donald Kenkel and Maximilian Schmeiser) Journal of Human Resources, October 2014, 49:1094-1120. link

Dollars on the Sidewalk: Should U.S. Presidential Candidates Advertise in Uncontested States? (with Sarah Niebler)  American Journal of Political Science, April 2014, 58:2, 322-336. link

Protecting Homeowners: Foreclosure Counseling Policies and Modifications of Mortgage Terms (with J. Michael Collins and Maximilian Schmeiser) Journal of Consumer Affairs July 2013, 47(2):289–310. link