Financial Education
So much of my work in the last 10 years has looked at the causal effects of financial education, particularly in U.S schools. I have spent a lot of time turning my academic work into digestable findings for a wide audience. I have also created datasets of financial education policies at the state and local levels I would love for others to use! This page summarizes all of this work.
The image above is right before I presented to the federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission, chaired by the U.S. Dept. of Treasury.
Policy Briefs and White Papers
2024 Report of Financial Education in High Schools across America
Best Practices Implementing Financial Education in High Schools (last update: July 2022)
Eight Takeaways on Access to Personal Finance in U.S. High Schools: 2021-2022 Academic Year
Financial Education in US High Schools: 2020-2021 Academic Year
How Does Financial Education in High School Affect the Subjective Financial Well-being of Adults?
State-mandated Financial Education: It's All in the Implementation
Better Borrowing: How State-Mandated Financial Education Drives College Financing Behavior
Workplace Financial Education's Effects on Retirement Planning
State High School Graduation Requirement Data (1970-2024) link
This is an up-to-date spreadsheet of the grraduating cohorts required to complete some leve of personal finance instruction in high school prior to graduation, based on state policy. Please email me if you think you see an error! Also, check out Champlain College's Report Card for more on specific policies. Last update: 4/2020.
UPDATED 3/2024!: Local High School Data: Personal Finance Course Requirements and Offerings Across America (2018-2024) STATA, CSV
Ever wonder which high schools across the country require a personal finance course, require personal finance to be integrated into another subject, offer an elective in personal finance, or have no personal finance coursework whatsoever? Look no further! Above is a database of this precise information, based on what schools with online course catalogs have documented. If you see an error with your school, please e-mail me with your course catalog, and I will add it to the updates tab in the attached spreadsheet!
You can find a state % of students in schools with each policy here.
Data for the 2022-2023 AY at the course level are available here.
Code to create state- and national-level financial well-being scores using the 2018 National Financial Capability Study. The code is intended to be used with the State-by-State Survey Respondent-Level Data. The data and data dictionairies can be found at
Code to create a "pseudo financial well-being" measure to mimic the financial well-being score from 2018 but spans 2012, 2015, and 2018 NFCS datasets is below. The file requires the user to downlaod the NFCS 2012 and 2015 datasets and convert them to STATA formats.
Code to write state-mandated financial education graduation requirements into the National Financial Capability Study
Files to replicate regressions in "The Effect of State-mandated Financial Education on Financial Well-being"
Here are some podcasts I have been on discussing financial education work.
Research papers on financial education (these also appear on my research page, with additional ungated working paper versions)
Do High Schools Choose Financial Education Policies Based On Their Neighbors? (with Allison Luedtke) IZA Discussion Paper No. 14288
How Confident are Potential Personal Finance Teachers? (with Melody Harvey), link
Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors (with Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, and Lukas Menkhoff) DIW Discussion Paper No. 1864; NBER Working Paper No. 27507; CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14741; IZA Discussion Paper No. 13178
Does State-mandated Financial Education Affect Financial Well-being? (with Jeremy Burke and J. Michael Collins), link
Financial Education in High Schools Across America, link
The Effects of Financial Education Graduation Requirements on Postsecondary Financing Decisions (with Christiana Stoddard), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 2020, 52(4): 747-776. link
The Effects of High School Personal Finance Education Policies on Financial Behaviors (with Maximilian Schmeiser, J. Michael Collins, and Alexandra Brown) Forthcoming at Economics of Education Review, 2018. link
Workplace Financial Education and Retirement Behavior (with J. Michael Collins) Economic Inquiry 2016, 54(4): 1860-1872. link